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supply shortage

The Hybrid Approach to Solving Your Components Supply Shortage

The semiconductor industry is rebounding after a tough couple of years, but there will always be shortages that disrupt electronic component supply chains. It’s important to build a resilient electronic component sourcing strategy that will protect your company from unexpected stock-outs, EOL notices, demand spikes, and more.

Why Use a Hybrid Approach?

A hybrid approach to electronic component sourcing means utilizing a wider variety of sources rather than just a small number of authorized suppliers. There are also valuable direct and independent electronic component suppliers out there who can alleviate the pressure of a supply shortage with viable alternative sources or near-identical, fully compatible components for your application.

Much has been said about the increased influx of counterfeit, suspect, and low-quality components into the U.S. components supply chain over the last few years. And it’s true that greater reliance upon unauthorized suppliers can expose your company to potential risks from bad actors. However, appropriate component inspections and quality assurance tests can verify authenticity and high quality while getting you the components you need.

Request a sample GCAT or IDEA lab report from Sensible Micro for a closer look at the valuable data that these protective measures can provide.

Navigating Your Components Supply Shortage

Authorized Distributors

An authorized distributor works directly with the OEM so that you can be confident in the quality and specifications of your components. By handling your electronic component sourcing through authorized lines, you avoid “gray market” components that expose your supply chain to potential counterfeits. Our specialists at Sensible Micro are authorized distributors of components from a list of premier suppliers. We can get you access to the newest and most up-to-date products from leading brands, including both off-the-shelf components and custom components for unique applications.

Factory-Direct Components

Another advantage of a hybrid sourcing and distribution approach is that you can order your components direct from the factory, rather than going through the manufacturer. Essentially, you’re getting your electronic components from the same supplier that the OEM uses. This can have potential pricing advantages, while not compromising on specs or compatibility — you’re getting the same exact components you’d be getting from your distributor’s authorized OEM lines, but skipping the middleman.

Vetted Independent Suppliers

There are numerous high-quality, independent suppliers of electronic components that can both add value to your supply chain and also give you access to needed parts you can’t find through other channels. It’s critical that you carefully evaluate each new independent supplier that you work with to verify authenticity and confirm quality. Put samples through a component inspection and testing lab and a General Counterfeit Avoidance Test (GCAT). This is even easier when your hybrid distributor houses one of the most technically advanced inspection labs in the industry — right inside their facility. 

Sensible Micro’s IDEA-ICE-3000 certified inspectors provide high-powered microscopy and marking permanency tests on every single order. We’ve got the cutting-edge technology and experience to implement robust custom testing regimens to suit your unique needs. Get in touch today to learn more about how we guarantee quality for our customers while helping them enjoy the benefits of hybrid distribution. Experiencing a supply shortage? Got a particular part you need to find? Request a quote!

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