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NIST/ DFARS Cybersecurity

NIST/ DFARS Cybersecurity Self-Compliance

As of February of this year, Sensible Micro became DFARS self-compliant. With DFARS plans and documentation in place, Sensible Micro can continue to ensure that all clientele information is protected and managed correctly. As a custodian of our customers’ data, it is our top priority to keep all information that enters our database secure and handled appropriately.


The Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement, DFARS, acts as an extension to the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) and is a cyber-security resource for manufacturers under the National Institute of Standards and Technology, commonly referred to as NIST. As defined on the NIST website, “DFARS provides a set of basic security controls for contractor information systems, where information lives and is stored.” The ultimate goal of both DFARS and the NIST MEP National Network is to help U.S. manufacturers and businesses protect themselves from cyber-attacks.


Our DFARS plan dictates strict guidelines on how we store, handle and transmit our valuable customer data. Whether it's information stored in a database, a fax, or even postal mail, it's considered private and confidential. Our utilization of the NIST cyber-security framework and our DFARS self-compliance is beneficial to all we work with, especially those in the aviation and defense industries as well as others contracted by the DoD, because it enhances our abilities to mitigate cyber-security risks and helps us better protect our information assets.

A representative from our IT department put it best, saying,

"The security of our customer information is critical to our mission, and it's our duty to be good custodians of that information. To that end, our security team continually evaluates the risk landscape, and iterates as needed to meet emerging threats. It's an ever-evolving process. "


NIST has created a self-assessment handbook called “NIST Handbook 162.” The handbook, formally titled the "NIST MEP Cybersecurity Self-Assessment Handbook For Assessing NIST SP 800-171 Security Requirements in Response to DFARS Cybersecurity Requirements, is a guide on assessing information systems against the security requirements in NIST SP 800-171 rev 1. The guidebook helps those become self-compliant with DFARS. It also helps those who are working towards being compliant to the Controlled Unclassified Information Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) clause.

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